Catch of the Week, Current Events and Politics, Faith and Christianity

Weekly Update – May 16

Several curious items in the news lately. Seems the PCA disinvited David French to their General Conference. My observation is that French has picked up where the late Tim Keller left off in trying to influence the Evangelical community to embrace progressive ideas. Both he and Russell Moore are know for promoting those. There has… Continue reading Weekly Update – May 16

Westminster Larger Catechism Study

Much of what Mike Ratliff says in this post is difficult to comprehend. Often we confuse sound doctrine with Pharisaism.

“The Greek Word for teaching is διδαχή or didachē. It means instruction or doctrine. The disciples were warned by our Lord to beware of their doctrine. Their doctrine was the evidence that they were lost. Now I know that many believe the doctrine of the Pharisees to be correct, but their problem was their legalism. Those… Continue reading Much of what Mike Ratliff says in this post is difficult to comprehend. Often we confuse sound doctrine with Pharisaism.